Tuesday, November 4, 2014


I'm a mother and a runner. Before I had our two sons, there was not a lot of things I promised myself I would do. I didn't say I would feed them only organic food or ban TV and video games. I didn't say I wouldn't yell or lose my patience. I did say the kids would see me and my husband being active and doing our own activities. And so they have. As a family we hike, ski and skate. Chris does fencing, hockey and canoeing. I do ballet, yoga and run. I run because it's easy - throw on some shoes and step out the back door. I run because I can get a good workout in less than an hour on a wintery Saturday morning before the kids are out of their pajamas. I run because it's easy to find a group to meet-up with at a local park. I run out my frustrations. I run for fun. But mostly I run so I can finish. I'm not fast or pretty but I finish. And in that finishing, I prove to myself and to my kids that the time and effort it takes to run is worth it. And that's a promise I need to keep.