Friday, March 4, 2016

the bag lady on our block

We are new-ish to London.  We moved here, amidst drifts of snow, in the winter of 2011.  We left a tiny hamlet in rural Alberta to move closer to our families.  In our small community in Alberta, everyone knew everyone...literally.  Our kids picked carrots out of neighbour's gardens without permission.  We waved at every passing car on the way home.  The only store housed groceries, the post office, the video store and more.  Our move to London was a leap of faith.

We rented a small apartment in Woodfield.  My husband started his new job.  The kids and I got to work discovering our new city...building a network, meeting other families, finding our feet.  At the same time we were looking for a house to buy, preferably in Old South.

Most nights we met our realtor to view houses - in old north or old south.  To and from our apartment we invariably passed Pall Mall and Maitland.  My comments: "That place looks cool." "We should check it out." quickly turned into "That's Mommy's new favorite place." But still we hadn't ever been.

With warmer weather we went further towing two kids in a wagon.  One day, while our older son was in JK, the younger and I ventured out on a long walk with a promise of a stop at the park and a special drink.

That day we parked our wagon near an empty patio and tugged open the front door of The Bag Lady finding the first true piece of home for us in London.  Jane and her staff greeted us like neighbours. The Bag Lady was warm, casual and inviting.  It's the kind of place you want to talk about with your friends back home.  It enveloped our family when we were looking for community connections.  It was what we needed then.

We have been back countless times - sometimes by bike, sometimes by car or on foot.  The staff greet us with recognition.  They smile, they look us in the eye, they turn a blind eye when our kids sneak spoons full of sugar.  Our kids think reaching into the drink cooler for a bottle of juice or milk is the coolest.  My husband and I love the simplicity of the menu - no fuss - reliable, tasty eats delivered with a grin.

I work downtown now.  The kids go to nearby Lord Roberts School.  We pass the Bag Lady more than once everyday.  I recommend it to colleagues and out-of-towners.  We have purchased Bag Lady gift certificates for caregivers and teachers.  When our boys play restaurant it is as often The Bag Lady as it is something more well known.

We eventually purchased a house in Old North, not Old South.  In the end it made sense - north of downtown felt like us.  My weekday drive home always includes kid-refrains of "when can we go to The Bag Lady Mom?" "why aren't they open?"  I love telling the kids The Bag Lady closes on long weekends and holidays - that's what friends want friends to do - take time, observe, celebrate.

We don't live on The Bag Lady's block but we are part of its community.  It is part of our London. 

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